Our list of approved airlines outlines family and comfort friendly airlines that accept passenger comfort aids. The use of comfort devices, such as My Flight Hammock, is ultimately at the discretion of the cabin crew on the day, and if they advise that the comfort device is not to be used, then these instructions must be followed.You may like to contact your airline prior to your flight, however we do find that customers receive conflicting opinions from customer service reps, and their advice may have no bearing on whether or not you can use My Flight Hammock.

My Flight Hammock is classed as a personal comfort device and is not usually subject to approval by FAA/EASA/CASA. However, due to high customer interest in improving in-flight comfort, the international airline authority IATA has provided guidelines to airlines regarding the use of these products. My Flight Hammock complies with IATA’s guidelines, which can be viewed here.
Yes! We recommend children and adults continue to wear their seat belts when using My Flight Hammock. If required, you can ask the crew for an extension seat belt.
In case of a mid flight emergency, My Flight Hammock must be immediately stowed away, and can be done so in seconds. The pillows can be stowed under the seat in front of you or they can be deflated quickly and packed into your travel bag. The metal stand can also be stowed under the seat in front, in the magazine pouch, or in your travel bag.
My Flight Hammock does not compromise the user's safety or the safety of other passengers. It is a passenger comfort device and complies with the IATA Cabin Operations Safety Best Practices guide 4th edition 2018, and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) cabin safety guidelines.
It is only to be used during cruise flight and must be stowed away for taxi, take off and landing, like all other personal items.
No! When My Flight Hammock is in use it allows all aircraft systems, and equipment, to be used as designed such as air conditioning vents, seat mechanisms and emergency equipment.
We recommend booking a seat by the window or in the very middle section of the plane, as stated by Singapore Airlines.
My Flight Hammock is suitable for all Economy seats on the plane and most Premium Economy seats.
Please note: some Premium Economy seats have a footrest which automatically lifts when you recline your seat, and in this circumstance you will not be able to use My Flight Hammock.
As stated above, we recommend using the hammock in positions where you are not blocking the access for other passengers. In situations where this is not possible, you can wrap the tail over the pillows and frame and easily pick up My Flight Hammock to allow your neighbour to pass.
When My Flight Hammock is used responsibly and correctly it should not annoy the passenger in front and they will be able to recline their seat as usual. The person in front should have no idea that the passenger behind them is using My Flight Hammock.
Naturally, when the seat in front reclines, it can reduce the space available to you. However, it will not affect the use of My Flight Hammock and will not prevent the person in front from reclining as usual.
My Flight Hammock is suitable for babies through to adults. We recommend that infants and children who are small enough to lie completely flat do not use My Flight Hammock in the bulk head section or where there is no chair directly in front of the hammock.
My Flight Hammock is compact and lightweight, at 670g.
My Flight Hammock packs into a compact carry bag that is approx 30cm (L) x 16cm (H) x 5cm (W).
My Flight Hammock is easy to set up and once you have the hang of it, it will only take a couple of minutes to set up. See our instructions for use here.
The small pillows take only a few puffs to inflate, with a two way valve that makes it easier and quicker to deflate/inflate. We recommend using two or three of the pillows included in your pack for ultimate comfort.