"It's super compact...Totally customisable" - Brittany

"I was so comfortable and fell asleep the minute we had reached cruising altitude. I'm 5'8 and travel overseas every other month for work and I can honestly say that Fly LegsUp has me excited for my trips now. Totally customisable, I vary the height and size of the pillows and I have noticed a difference with my back - it totally relieves all pressure. It's easy to get up from and easy when eating and watching a movie.

It's super compact and if packed right, takes up less room than a chunky magazine! My husband laughed at me when it first arrived as he's seen me go through neck pillow after neck pillow trying to find something to make my crazy life of travel more comfortable and I can say that after flying with me once and getting to witness how comfortable I was - he wants one! 

Thank you thank you! I'm so glad that this was invented!"

- Brittany

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